Do not be fooled by document downloads
This is one we haven't seen in email. There have been plenty of download spams in SMS, and they follow this same method. They tell you that you've been sent documents and they will 'expire' soon. When you download them, and open them we believe they most likely will contain malware, and/or ransomware.
DO NOT BE FOOLED : they will send it to your email, and use your email in the actual content of the post. It looks authentic.
This cyber crime intrusion came on January 30, 2024
Do not get 'Smished' thinking it's from iCloud!
You think it's from iCloud or Apple ... it's NOT!
SMS or "Text" messages have overtaken email in usage. 90% of the population, today, will send a text rather than an email. That's how smart phones have changed society. However, that also opens a whole new arena for cyber crime war campaigns!
Look carefully at the response link. Tracking the IP address, we find this cyber criminal is using compromised servers for JPBERLIN in Berlin, Germany. Do not click. You cannot analyze these texts on a phone so don't even try.
This cyber crime intrusion came on January 5, 2024
Lots of "Survey" scams going around
This time, Tractor Supply is being spoofed with a deal to enter for a prize if you take the survey.
This one came from a cybergang in Eastern Europe, a hijacked American server and protected from detection by CloudFlare.
BEWARE : Notice, this cyber cartel used the SAME BACKPACK in an Ace Hardware spoof on April 21, 2024! These attacks have been hitting since last year. They aways change the deal ... if you scroll down, you'll see them spoofing Lowes, Home Depot. This same one using Harbor Freight was in April.
The first occurrence we detected is December 22, 2024
ALERT : New twist on Paypal scams.
"MONEY REQUEST SCAM" If you have a PayPal account, then be very careful, and heed this alert
The cybercrime industry has come up with a different twist on PayPal scams, sending you a "Money Request" -- don't fall for it! These scams are so clever, they look just like they came from Paypal. They even employ a link that actually came from ... but it's fake!
ALWAYS forward PayPal spam to : spoof [at] PayPal [dot] com
The first occurrence we detected is December 14, 2024
Did they tell you there was a problem with your computer? ...
"TECH SUPPORT SCAMS" Thousands of people have been ripped off believing that some tech guy is going to repair their device. Don't believe it!
If you get ANY email that claims they have discovered a problem with your device do not react or respond, and delete the email at once. Protect yourself at all times.
The first occurrence we detected is December 12, 2024
ALERT : FAX Scams are phishing for your identity...
"FAX Scams" come from the cyber crime cartels attempting to make you think there's a FAX waiting for you -- DO NOT let your guard down! The "attachment" is not a PDF like the scam says ... it's an executable file that copies malware to your device
If you get ANY email pitching FAXes ... don't click. Protect yourself at all times.
The first occurrence we detected is November 7, 2024
BEWARE : Black Friday deals that do you in...
"Black Friday" is the time everyone is shopping in a frenzy. This year, half the internet started their Black Friday sales before Halloween was done! This often leads to carelessness -- DO NOT let your guard down! Cyber criminals are very clever at masking malware and break-in delivery using your favorite online shopping site.
If you get ANY email pitching deals ... don't click, but open that vendor in your usual way, and check to see if the deal or offer is legit. Protect yourself at all times.
The first occurrence we detected is November 16, 2024
BEWARE : Important document may not be real!
"Document phishing" is a form of extortion that makes you think there's some document that needs your attention, or signature. Victims will typically receive a email alert intended to lure the recipient into providing their personal or financial information. The scam will likely take you to another page where you "authenticate" yourself. They are very good at simulating DocuSign and other credible vendors that banks, accountants and other official organizations use
BEST PRACTICE : Contact the entity you "think" sent the request to see if it is legit.
The first occurrence we detected is November 11, 2024
BEWARE : Smishing worse than Phishing
"Smishing" is a form of phishing. You receive an unsolicited SMS (text) message. Victims will typically receive a deceptive text message that is intended to lure the recipient into providing their personal or financial information. These scams often attempt to impersonate a government agency, bank, or other company to lend legitimacy to their claims.
Common lures include “your account has been suspended”, “there is suspicious activity on your account”, "there is a problem with your shipping address" or “there is a package waiting for you at the Post Office.”.
The first occurrence we detected is Sept 25, 2025
WARNING : This is NOT Amazon Prime!
... This email arrived with subject "Your Amazon Prime Account is about to Renew" ... it goes on to say that your payment method is no longer accepted. This will strike fear to most people who like their Amazon Prime account but DO NOT CLICK -- this is NOT from Amazon. Investigation shows the cyber crime cartel using Google to mask their identity.
The first occurrence we detected is Sept 25, 2025
Microsoft doesn't want to hear about it!
... and you can't blame them. It must really be a pain to get hundreds and hundreds of spam complaints every day from Spam Trackers like us. So how simple is it just to reject the SpamCop reports, and "ISP does not wish to receive complaints regarding Microsoft" . . . of course.
Note the response from Microsoft.
These average about one every 12 hours.
Domain Hijackers attacking from Amazon Servers
If you own domains, beware of the "Domain Hijackers" ....
These crooks employ all kinds of techniques, attempting to fool you into changing your domain provider. It's been going on for several decades, but we've seen a resurgence of this cyber crime since so many amateur and uneducated new domain owners there are.
If you own a domain, ALWAYS have any contact and relations directly with your provider, through the official login sequence. Never, ever click a link in an email that threatens any action or activity on your domain!
NOTICE : this cyber crime cartel is being protected by,
a service that masks and protects web site owners from detection. We have reported thousands of spams which are being protected by, to no avail. CloudFlare denies any knowledge of the content or the ownership of cyber crime clients. (Even though they have thousands of cyber crime clients paying their fees!)
SEE : Don’t have a gun? Here, use one of ours! Better yet, use Cloudflare!*

Every time a cyber criminal slips through the cracks by using Cloudflare’s service, I think about the guy giving guns to teenagers for a small fee. Proof that the cybercrime industry has been successful in legitimizing their techniques in today’s society …
in all the history of organized crime, the mob never had it this good!
Right-Click to open the graphic warning poster. Right-click/Open in new tab or, Open Image
Reporting to Microsoft doesn't help!
Some 60 of these spams have been reported to Microsoft, Google or Amazon, but it doesn't seem to help.
So we sent directly to the Microsoft Security page, and filed complaints exactly according to their own cyber crime reporting instructions. . . guess what. . . this is what the response was.
We've encountered nearly 300 such spams from,,,,, CloudFlare and others since the first of the year. Well over 300 from China!
April 20, 2024 at 8:17:25 AM EDT
Medical and healthcare spam -- BEWARE
One of the most popular subjects that get people's attention are healthcare remedies. The cyber crime industry knows this and exploits it. And, the most vulnerable segment of the market is the elderly!
We have received this exact same spam, 16 times, but all from different servers and senders generally on,, Cloudflare, or Google.
Guys can't resist a good tool offer! Tool scams from Lowes, Home Depot, WalMart and others has become very popular and profitable!
The scammers have been doing these ploys since the early 2020s -- so much so that both Milwaukee, Dewalt and Makita have started helping fight the crime wave. If you're ever a victim, then always report to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)! You can find some background information here . . . the best advice is DO NOT CLICK.
Posted April 3, 2024
How many people are gullible to the old "Your Membership has Expired" ploy?
This is a classic. Nothing strikes more fear into the 'mature" audience than a membership expiration. The cyber crime cartels test certain deals and certain entities to see which pulls the most responses and "clicks" . . . well, the advice is DO NOT CLICK.
Posted April 3, 2024
BEWARE If you think your neck pain is bad, wait until this cybercrime gang steals your identity!
Talk about a pain in the neck! This cybercrime attack is emanating from Google servers. They use Google because they know that Google ignores SpamCop reports. Google ignores SpamCop reports because they would be getting thousands a day.
Posted April 3, 2024
BEWARE news items always bring on the cyber criminals! Bezos' Wife story rings around the world making a perfect opportunity to attempt mail fraud.
Posted April 2, 2024
Beware of holidays and seasons spam ... the crime cartels know how to leverage holidays like Monthers' Day and Easter!
Posted April 1, 2024
It's the "Survey" trap in spam! One scam to avoid!
Posted March 11 , 2024
Here is your typical Nigerian scam, but it's not from Nigeria!
Posted March 4, 2024
This cyber crime gang makes you think Elon Musk is behind this offer, but he's not.
Posted March 2, 2024
SPAM scam promises you Tupperware from Costco to take a survey --
Posted March 5, 2024
This cyber crime gang wants you to believe they'll get you out of debt! Chances are, they'll put you in debt when they steal your identity! BEWARE!
Posted February 27, 2024
NO! This is NOT a Harbor Freight offer, it's a scam! Do Not Click
Posted Feb 27, 2024
Scammers posing as COSTCO steal your identity
Posted March 11, 2024
Email spam scammers make you think you've got a FedEx package! Do not click!
Posted March 11, 2024
Scam from Microsoft promises big savings...
Posted March 11, 2024
Spam scam campaign makes you think your subscription has expired!
Posted March 11, 2024
Dozens of companies are tracking you via your Android phone
This article and series of links put together by Dallin Crump spells it out pretty well. You're toast. And we quote:
We’re used to the idea of Google and Facebook mining our personal data. We justify it because in return we get to use some pretty powerful and helpful products and services for free or for cheap.
What most of us don’t realize, however, is that embedded in some of the most popular apps we use — from Lyft to Accuweather to Microsoft Outlook — are not one but in many cases multiple trackers from dozens of different companies that are collecting massive amounts of data about their users.
An article at The Intercept lays this all out in chilling detail as it summarizes the recently published findings of research into 40 trackers by Yale Privacy Lab and French nonprofit Exodus Privacy.
The Intercept: Staggering Variety of Clandestine Trackers Found in Popular Android Apps
25 trackers hidden inside popular Google Play apps such as Uber, Tinder, Skype, Twitter, Spotify, and Snapchat

Posted December 2017
And you thought we were kidding you about Russia and Cybercrime
In 2008, when Russia launched they cyberwar on Georgia, we predicted it would get a lot worse before it gets better. We've known for more than a decade that the Russians were exploiting Clinton's unregulated internet to manipulate society in devious ways. Now, suddenly, the Trump era brings it clearly into the living rooms across America, and the government thinks it's something new.
As many as 126 million Facebook users may have seen content produced and circulated by Russian operatives. Twitter said it had discovered that 2,752 accounts controlled by Russians, and more than 36,000 Russian bots tweeted 1.4 million times during the election. And Google disclosed for the first time that it had found 1,108 videos with 43 hours of content related to the Russian effort on YouTube. It also found $4,700 worth of Russian search and display ads. 
Now, after it's too late, someone asks if social media should have some kind of regulation. Well, hello!
Here's yet another recent article on the topic in Forbes. Please use your browser's "reader" function to block all Forbes spam and stalker links. Not recommended site for phone use.

Posted November 2017
NEVER share tax or financial information with any requests from an email! Your identity is at risk!
If you get an email claiming to provide credit checks, or look at your credit scores, DO NOT CLICK! Not only will you be tagged for more spam, you will be tagged as someone who is interested in their financial status. You will be asked questions to reveal things you do not want to reveal. Please look at this info-graphic, understand the warning, and share it with friends and family! ...

Posted August 2017
ALERT : Walgreens Gift Card Spoof may lead to identity theft
This cybercrime cartel changes its attack almost daily, and is protected by Cloudflare domain masking services -- very difficult to stop! Their ploys are creative and convincing. BEWARE, and share this infographic ...

Posted July 2017
If you're over 60, then 55,043 of your fellows were victims of cybercrime during 2016 -- to the tune of $339,474,918 dollars. It's not if you will be attacked. It's when you will discover you were.

Posted June 2017
Apple Login page spoofed to steal your identity!
The Spamcop agents and Safenetting are tracking a breaking cyber attack posing as the Apple login page, instructing you to update your parameters. DO NOT fall prey to this attack! See and share the info graphics we have prepared for this ALERT.

Posted June 2017
Rep. Pallone Says FCC Plan Would ‘Sabotage’ Net Neutrality
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai’s proposal to roll back the 2015 Open Internet Order is an attack that supports monopolistic interests and threatens democracy, Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J
Pallone, who is the ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, slammed Pai’s draft proposal, set for a vote at the commission’s May 18 meeting, and said Hill Democrats have no reason to believe the Republicans supporting it have any real intention to replace net neutrality rules with meaningful protections after nixing the Obama-era regulations. His remarks came at a New America’s Open Technology Institute event.

Posted May 2017
DNS changer malware: how to detect it and protect yourself
The Domain Name System (DNS) is the part of internet infrastructure that resolves easily-remembered domain names that humans use into more obscure IP addresses that internet-connected computers use. Without DNS, we would have to remember the IP address of every new site we want to visit.
In that regard, DNS seems mostly related to convenience. In reality, DNS is also a critical part of internet security. Your computer trusts DNS to give it the correct IP address for any given site. Sadly, there are very few precautions in place to detect incorrect DNS responses, which leaves a security gap for bad guys to exploit.

Posted May 2017
‘Playpen’ Creator Sentenced to 30 Years
For years the good guys on the internet have fought the evil forces of cybercrime. All forms of pornography, particularly child pornography are driven by money. The Cybercrime world is well aware that there is an unquenched thirst for porn, and people will pay for it.
Dark Web ‘Hidden Service’ Case Spawned Hundreds of Child Porn Investigations Infographic depicting statistics from the ongoing investigation into the Playpen child pornography website and its members as of May 2017.

Posted May 2017
Digital Evidence Response Team -- Working to Stop the Sexual Exploitation of Children
North Hills Man Sentenced to 18 Years in Prison for Producing Sexual Images of Minors. Melrose Man Sentenced to 60 Months for Child Pornography Offenses. Boylston Man Charged with Distributing Child Pornography. Navajo Man from Churchrock Pleads Guilty to Federal Child Sexual Abuse Charge. Vestal Man Pleads Guilty to Distributing and Receiving Child Pornography. Binghamton Man Pleads Guilty to 12 Counts of Distributing Child Pornography.

Posted May 2017
How to clear you Google Search history

Here, try it for yourself at MyActivity/
Posted in May of 2017